To meet the requirements of the CIWM (WAMITAB) Operator Competence Scheme, technically competent people must demonstrate primary competence by completing a qualification, units and/or training programme(s) which demonstrate they have the knowledge and skills to ensure waste sites comply with Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations.
We can provide the following:-
We can provide a TCM who can also mentor your staff through the training process for the CIWM Qualification even if its through a different training provider!
If you have an environmental permit for a waste operation, or certain installations, you must join and comply with the requirements of one of these 2 government approved schemes:
You must say which scheme you’re part of on your application form. The Environment Agency will check your application with the scheme you identify. Once your permit is issued, you must also give this information when you submit your waste returns.
Each scheme operates in a different way.
If you join the CIWM and WAMITAB scheme, your managers will need to work towards gaining the scheme’s qualifications.
You’ll already be part of this scheme if the following apply:
The Environment Agency assessment, or the ‘deemed’ competency, are still valid and you can be named as the technically competent person for that same activity on new applications.
In all cases, if you’re part of this scheme you need to pass a continuing competency assessment every 2 years.
You must include the names of your managers and the qualifications they hold in your management system if you’re part of this scheme.
The EU Skills scheme considers the competence of your business as a whole. To join this scheme you need to have a competence management system in place and this must be certified by one of the scheme’s approval bodies.
Your company needs to have WAMITAB qualifications or the EU skills certified competence management system in place before you can apply:
If you’re applying for a new permit for a waste site that’s not a landfill site, you have up to 12 months to put these things in place as long as you meet the minimum requirements set out in either of the 2 schemes.
These requirements do not apply if you are a member of the EU Skills scheme.
Each day you must record:
Your site is operational when you’re carrying out any activity covered by your permit.
You will need to use these records to make sure your manager meets the attendance requirements explained in the next section.
You must make the records available to the Environment Agency on request.
These requirements do not apply if you are a member of the EU Skills scheme.
Your technically competent manager must be on site for the required time each week (also called ‘attendance requirement’). If they take time off, you must arrange cover for them.
For your manager to be ‘technically competent’ they must join and comply with one of the government approved schemes.
The attendance requirement in the first 6 months of operation depends on what permit you have. At the end of the first 6 months you’ll need to agree your manager’s attendance with the Environment Agency.
Your manager must attend the site at least 20% of the operating time in the first 6 months if you’ve got:
In the first 6 months after you start operating or carrying out a new permitted activity, your manager’s attendance requirement depends on the environmental risk posed by your site.
Work out the attendance requirement by following these steps.
Note your points for complexity if you run a waste operation:
Note your points for complexity if you run an installation:
Note your points for location:
Note your points for emissions:
Using your total attendance points, note the percentage of site operation time your manager needs to be on site each week:
If you operate 2 separate facilities on the same site, calculate your attendance points total for both activities, and use the higher number.
If you carry out more than 1 waste activity on your site, calculate your complexity score for each activity, then 1 location and 1 emissions score and add them all together to get your attendance points total.
Your manager does not need to attend a site for more than 48 hours per week, regardless of how long your plant is operational, or your points total.
After the first 6 months of operations, if it feels you have a satisfactory management system in place, the Environment Agency will agree with you what your continuing attendance requirements will be.
If you get a compliance rating score of more than 16 in any quarter, you must return to the attendance requirements of your first 6 months of operation. You must keep to that initial attendance requirement until the Environment Agency informs you otherwise.
Your compliance rating score is based on the Environment Agency’s compliance classification scheme. For example, your score would be over 16 if you have either:
You must continue to meet the attendance requirement if your permit states you need to actively manage landfill gas or leachate (or both) at the closed site.
You do not need to meet the attendance requirement if: